The story begins when the character becomes aware of a notion of existence and is never able to adapt to any previous idea of reality. His failed attempts to either integrate into reality, or escape it, exempt him from feeling any real commitment to it. In this way, their entire existence will be justified by the precariousness of their connection to reality, which paradoxically defines their identity in a dramatic way. He is faced with the impossibility of relating to a pre-existing reality (which did not consider him when it was built).
“In Às Origens da Crise, restlessness and self-questioning come together in a schizophrenic whirlpool of a mind always in search of an identity. We have no confirmation of the earthly identity of the body that carries a group of dysfunctional personas, and reality is just a threatening reminder of the depth of its psychosis.
The text is spoken with changes in voice, accent or even the language itself. The character in question is a man, the interpreter is a woman. Both one genre and the other do not find their validation on stage. Throughout the show, the interpreter drags us through harrowing twists, comedic moments and word games in a playful and rhythmic dispute between her repertoire of characters. “Asaf Kolliner
CONCEPTION|INTERPRETATION Lígia Soares TEXT Lígia Soares and Thierry Decottignies VIDEO EDITION Andresa Soares ACTOR VIDEO Giancarlo Pia-Mangione VOICE OFF Lígia Soares, Thierry Decottignies and Rita Só LUZ Pedro Machado PRODUCTION Máquina Pleasant
SUPPORT Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, TanzFabrik-Berlin, Franco-Portuguese Institute, GDA-Artist Rights Management